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About Yury

  • Birthday 08/08/1978

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  1. Bug with Cart module when transplanting into left or right column. I have fresh installed prestashop 1.5.3 and then transplanted a Cart module into left or right column. Added some products into the cart and when click on delete product icon, total price reduces, but product still visible in cart. Tried to turn off ajax (on by default) in cart module -> same problem.
  2. Thank you for your answer, Marty. Cookies cleaned, same error. I will restore database from my manual backup few moths ago.
  3. Hi everyone! I need some help. I have Access Denied error in back site after roll back from to version using 1-click update (v. 0.8.6, probably). Front shop is deactivated. Please see attached screenshot. How to fix this error? Please help! Regards, Yury
  4. Hi, I also had a same problem and I found a solution. Make sure that your php.ini and php5.ini are empty or contains only: magic_quotes_gpc = off; magic_quotes_runtime = off; Worked for me.
  5. Make another id for special product footer in global.css
  6. Hi Angora! Do you know how to separate blocksearch or blockuserinfo from $HOOK_TOP? I need to insert blockuserinfo into another location (table in my case) and leave intact blocksearch on top of the page. Please help me understand.
  7. Вообшем у моего хостера такая фигня: если я удаляю базу и создаю новую с таким-же именем, содержимое новой базы остается от удаленной!!!! Сам не знаю почему.
  8. Попробуй назвать базу по-другому в MySQL
  9. Hello! I am just wondering is it possible to export database from 1.3.xx and import to fresh install of final version 1.4.17? Of course it is required to copy all product images to new install. I have tried few times but unsuccessful (lots of SQL errors). Also I have noticed that new version have new columns in product table. Have anyone tried make it work this way?
  10. Проблему решил. Скоро буду переходить на 1.4 Если кому надо поставить 4 или более картинок и убрать текст в блоке New products (ПШ 1.3), тогда отредактируйте файл: prestashop\modules\blocknewproducts\blocknewproducts.tpl поменять код > </pre> <ul> {foreach from=$new_products item='product' name='newProducts'} {if $smarty.foreach.newProducts.index < 2} на > </pre> <ul> {foreach from=$new_products item='product' name='newProducts'} {if $smarty.foreach.newProducts.index < 4} где 4 - кол-во товаров в блоке и удалить > </pre> <dl>{$newproduct.name|strip_tags|escape:html:'UTF-8'}{$newproduct.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:50:'...'} >" src="{$img_dir}bullet.gif"/> И не забудте поменять в админке модуль Block new products (кол-во товаров в блоке). Вот и все.
  11. themes/prestashop/css/modules/blocknewproducts/blocknewproducts.css Этого файла в 1.3 вообще нет.
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