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  1. Hello everyone, I noticed that add to cart is throwing error "Undefined $urls index in ajax rendered template", but when debug mode is off everything is working correctly!
  2. Hello everyone, In version 1.7.2.x when debug mode is off, all installed modules disappear. Is this behavior normal?!
  3. I had the same problem and I discovered that I installed my modules while debug mode was on... when I disable debug mode my modules disappeared... So I uninstall them and install again but with debug mode off.
  4. Is it possible to get all available theme layouts (like array) inside my custom module?
  5. Ok...I removed all translations that we made for testing and theme was exported correctly...
  6. Guys, I need little help.... I created new theme for prestashop 1.7.x.x. When I try to export theme I have error: InvalidResourceException in XliffFileLoader.php line 181: Invalid resource provided: "1.2"; Errors: [ERROR 1824] Element '{urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2}file', attribute 'source-language': '' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:language'. (in /home/vesna/www/prestica/admin1982/ - line 3, column 0) .... As I see problem is with symfony (.../vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Translation/Loader/XliffFileLoader.php line 181), but I don't know what cause this problem...?? Any Idea??
  7. Thank you rocky... this function getManufacturerImageLink() was crucial! this is my code: <img src = "{$link->getManufacturerImageLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, 'small_default')}" alt = "{$manufacturer.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" >
  8. Yes well... I tried to do that first...but can't find solution that is why I'm asking...
  9. Can somebody help me please. How to pull url for manufacturer image in PrestaShop 1.7? on my module for Prestashop 1.6 it was with {$img_manu_dir} and now this is not working. Thanks
  10. Hi guys, I noticed that for modules "ps_categorytree" and "ps_facetedsearch" is just hook "displayLeftColumn" and there is no hook "displayRightColumn", so when I change layout type for category page to show sidebar on the right side those two modules disappears... Is it possible for you to fix that...? I can fix it inside code but I'm trying to develop new theme, so I'm wondering can you add that piece of code or should I develop my one module? Thanks
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