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  1. Hi, Lately, Magento community version seems dying and inactive with unresolved bugs. Its community forum is left almost unsupported and spammed by vietnamese articles for weeks without actions taken. Its community Bug Tracker does not work as well, can't post any bug issues, always redirected to the enterprise hompage after clicking submit. Hence, I'm looking for an alternative commerce solution which is comparable to Magento in terms of flexibility and functionality. I came across that Prestashop was ranked 2nd to Magento in terms of popularity and functionality and therefore I tried and see if it fits the scenario. However, Prestashop doesn't look professional in terms of layout & design IMHO, perhaps beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I hardly fall in love with Prestashop. This Magento demo looks better at http://demo.magentocommerce.com/bed-and-bath , you can see starting at, special price, clear and precise. Thanks
  2. Seemingly still no Product Count within each category, just a fancier responsive theme with Grid support
  3. Hi, IMHO, Magento & OpenCart are already presentable with professional ecommerce layouts & designs out of the box. Customer immediately see all the products available with price (or discouned price with crossed out original price, customers can see how much they saved immediately or bulk purchase like As Low From wording if Group / Tier Pricing is given in Magento) in a nicely grid layout. Prestashop does NOT make all this information clear on the product listing / overview page, only in the individual product page. Frankly, most customers are 1st attracted to look further into such products when they see the Big Discount or Special Price, Bulk Purchase Discount or As Low As given with the Crossed-Out Original Price on the listing / overview page. Often, simplicity, clear, tidiness, clean and straight-forward in the front-end (product listing / overview page) will attract more buyers. Prestashop does not fit in this aspect out of the box. Thanks.
  4. Thanks, downloaded and tested, no noticeable changes in terms of features and user-friendliness beside a fancier theme (very slow in the backend). 1.) Specific Price Rule cannot be edited, only delete, unacceptable. 2.) My Account Block (On Header) is worse than 1.5, nothing appear, no My Account wording, only Sign Out. 3.) Reward & Loyalty is not working. 4.) For product comparison, when viewed on mobile, it does NOT working, out of scope. I still prefer the way of Magento & OpenCart, cleaner, prettier & more straight-forward. I still dunno why No Unique Product SKU, the Reference, EAN13 and UPC fields are NOT unique. Often, we need to Auto Generate Unique SKU to prevent duplicate inputs of the same product esp in combination with attributes. This is the Major Drawback of Prestashop.
  5. Hi, Where to download 1.6 and test ? Prestashop 1.5.6 does not look professional in terms of front-end design & layout, too ugly & primitive, not comparable to Magento & OpenCart. I'm eager to have a look on 1.6 coz the short demo video looks quite promising. Thanks.
  6. Thanks, seemingly Prestashop needs to be themed and configured a lot.
  7. Yes, it seemed so silly that we can only Delete but NOT editing the specific price rule. Also, on the product listing page, it just shows the Specific Price without the Crossout Original Price, it does NOT look promising and enticing.
  8. Hi, Thanks, it works now. If I want to make the My Account Block (broken down into My Account, My Wishlist coz not many users know clicking his name to access My Account) on the Header to look like Magento & OpenCart, possible with click in configuration ? Or I have to modify the templates ? I have yet to go thru the templating system of Prestashop. Thanks
  9. Hi, Anyone of you coming from Magento & OpenCart ? The more I played around with Prestashop, the more I got frustrated with it. I'm wondering how those people who previously used Magento & OpenCart can adapt to the Primitive front-end design & layout of Prestashop. I come to Prestashop because of its 1.) Flexible Voucher Rule (Coupon in Magento & OpenCart) per Individual Customer. Voucher will appear on the My Voucher session. 2.) Reward & Loyalty (Magento doesn't have, OpenCart included this but quite bare). I thought Prestashop could get a postion between Magento & OpenCart. However, after playing around with Prestashop, I'm totally frustrated with its front-end design & layout and some lacks of basic e-commerce elements as below. 1.) No My Account Sidebar Listing block (Customer Settings Navigation), just only the My Account Page, very unorganized and primitive. Also, the My Account block on the header is not intuitvie, should be broken down into My Account, My WishList, My Cart and Checkout. Not many users know clicking their names to access the My Account page. 2.) No Grid Display, unbelievable. 3.) No Product Counter within each Category, absolutely unacceptable. 4.) Add To Cart, Add To Compare and Add To Wishlist are NOT intuitively designed and put together, very unorganized. 5.) Right after installation, I was totally devastated by its primitive default presentation and layout. At 1st, I thought it could be further enhanced by changing its configurations. In fact, not really the case. I'd decided to leave Prestashop as it might take more time to make it presentable as Magento & OpenCart. I hardly force myself to fall in love with Prestashop at this point of time. Maybe I'll come back to have a look after the availability of Prestashop 1.6. These are the intuitive design and layout of Magento & OpenCart, Prestashop should make its front-end more user-friendly and intuitive. Grid Display My Account Sidebar Listing Block My Account Header Block
  10. Hi, I'm still reviewing Prestashop for its usability. While playing around, I couldn't find the My Account Sidebar Listing Block, only the My Account block (on page header) & My Account Footer's Block (on footer). I'd like to have a My Account Sidebar Listing Block like Magento & Opencart as shown below. I don't have much time to delve further into Prestashop at this moment but the 1st impression on my mind is Prestashop is very primitive in Front-end UI & UX. I don't really know how much time to be spent to make it as user-friendly as Magento & OpenCart in the front-end. Thanks
  11. Hi, I intend to include Prestashop as 1 of my commerce solutions but after searching around, just confirmed that Grid Layout has to be hardcoded in theme. The UI for comparing product is not intuitive. My Account Page also looks very unprofessional & unorganized in design and layout. In short, the front-end design of Prestashop does NOT look good at all. However, the backend of Prestashop is nicer than Magento. Hopefully Prestashop could further improve its front-end UI & UX (user experience) like Magento & OpenCart as shown below. Thanks.
  12. Hi, Magento default layout and design look very professional right after installation. Often, I don't have to change the default layout & design too much in Magento (for client with rather complex product nature), same to OpenCart (for clients with simple product requirements) which is also pretty shining out of the box. Lately, I found Prestashop 1.5 which seemed promising in the backend management which include Customer Suppport Messaging and Reward Points out of the box while providing quite flexible rules in pricing and discount like Magento. However, Prestashop default design & layout are too ugly, it has to be totally revamped in order to be made presentable. What's puzzling me, Prestashop does NOT seem providing Grid Display like Magento & OpenCart which we can choose in the backend/frontend, seemingly Grid Display has to be hardcoded in Prestashop theme. Thanks
  13. Hi, I'm wondering why a decade-old Zencart already included Gift Certificate with redemption into store credit out of the box but not in Magento & Prestashop. What's good with Zencart, it allows the recipient to FORWARD their store credits to other recipients. It's truly wonderful. Opencart built-in Gift Voucher is very primitive, not as flexible as Zencart. However, Zencart is very ugly in its UI, not much improved over the years.
  14. Hi, Does prestashop include selling Gift Cert with redemption into store credit like Zencart out of the box ? I didn't find the said. Thanks
  15. Hi, I'm now having a difficult decision making whether to choose Magento or Prestashop. I heard lots of cons about Magento as being slow, difficult in customization and blah blah.... However, Magento seems to be the preferred choice of most customers nowadays despite the cons. As I may consider developing customized modules on the adopted ecommerce platform, hence I can only focus on 1 product, either Magento and Prestashop. My preferred CMS is Joomla and JFusion had already supported Magento bridging with Joomla. I'm truly amazed at the number of extensions available with Magento, 3,500. Since so many people complaint about Magento, why is it still having a large community supporters ? What make them stick with Magento ? Also, what're the major advantages of core Magento 1.5 which core Prestashop 1.4 still lacks ? I hope to decide by this week and later learn thru the APIs of the platform chosen. Thanks
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