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Everything posted by vishalsingh119

  1. Recently i contacted you about vogue payment gateway integration.you shared information that try with fresh installation.We tried fresh installation, their also same issue is coming that "No template found for module voguepay". Kindly provide us solution we are already getting delay because of this payment module. Kindly forwarded this issue to higher level for fast resolution.
  2. We tried already to installed vogue payment module in our other prestashop website.Same issue encounter their also.We need this module in existing prestashop website. Kindly find some other solution to fix this issue.
  3. Hi, I am using PrestaShop version, and the payment module is also for 1.6 and above.So no issue with version. second thing, in demo mode i am expecting successful txn in my prestashop account and order page.Can this is possible. third, When i submit merchant id "demo", then its showing error.What if i submit registered merchant id.If your module again display the same error.so
  4. Hi, Demo version fine.but few question still their. 1.right now when we submitting merchant id, then it displaying error that template not found, what happen when we register in your website then try. 2.in demo version, we excepting that it select our product with price, but right now its show laptop,price 50k. 3.After submission, order detail display blank with failed status (how we test successful txtn with txn id.) Thanks in advanced.
  5. Hi prestashopian, I installed voguepay, but after putting merchant id and submit it.error displaying "No template found for module voguepay". we are not able to find out issue with vogue pay.Have any solution for this. Thanks in advanced.
  6. Hi prestashopian, When customer buy product,admin not receiving any email for new order,i already installed mail alert module also. Other kind of email i am receiving like product end,etc Thanks in advance
  7. Hi prestashopian, In our website when user or customer try to purchase product using cod or other payment gateway then error displaying "Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart" If you have any suggestion ,kindly share with us. Thanks in advance
  8. Hi prestashopian, I am using paynetz atom payment gateway in my shop,but when user select this payment gateway ,admin(me) not receiving any email notification related to new purchase.But if user selecting COD(cash on delivery).I am receiving email related to that purchase. I checked every module related to mail sending like mail-alert,advanced paramenter > email ,but no solution still. If anyone have solution,share with us. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi Prestashopian, I am using leo emarket theme.when user register ,in presional information page,it accepting feb 31 as dob,but i want error message when someone select feb 31. Thanks in advance
  10. Vekia, I have one question regarding this.i have two account,one is local another on server.In localhost customer and admin both receiving email but on server admin not receiving any email confirmation for new order.
  11. Hi prestashopian, In our website when user or customer try to purchase product using cod or other payment gateway then error displaying "Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart" If you have any suggestion ,kindly share with us. Thanks in advance
  12. Hi prestashopian, Our website working fine.But when we try to purchase product using COD or Other payment gateway then only 504 error displaying ,but when we check order status and history product displaying there. Thanks in advance
  13. thanks for reply i already checked with change the order status with processing,delivered etc but after that also we are not receiving any email.only receiving notification in top nav bar
  14. hi vekia, its not working for me.i added the required true in validate file but after then also there have issue. when i select 31 Feb then its showing birthday is required and birth date is invalid but if i select right date like 25 Feb then also it showing error birthday is required. Do you have nay solution for this.
  15. hi vekia, its not working for me.i added the required true in validate file but after then also there have issue. when i select 31 feb then its showing birthday is required and birth date is invalid but if i select right date like 25feb then also it showing error birthday is required. Do you have nay solution for this.
  16. Hi prestashopian, I am using paynetz atom payment gateway in my shop,but when user select this payment gateway ,admin(me) not receiving any email notification related to new purchase.But if user selecting COD(cash on delivery).I am receiving email related to that purchase. I checked every module related to mail sending like mail-alert,advanced paramenter > email ,but no solution still. If anyone have solution,share with us. Thanks in advance
  17. Hi prestashopian, I try to give validation in customer registration page.Before validation if user selecting 31feb,so it accepting but after validation its showing error.but this validation code have some issue.user not able to submit the form because after submitting right info its showing birthday is required. if anyone have solution,share with us. Code i am using as validation is 'birthday' => array('type' => self::TYPE_DATE, 'validate' => 'isBirthDate','required' => true), in customer.php page i just added required=>true Thanks in advance for solution
  18. Hi prestashopian, I am using leo emarket theme and payment module ATOM paynetz. When user try to pay for product ,after successful trx message display in order history page with payment accepted.but its opposite when any trx failed then its not showing any message in order and history page. I want to error message in order detail page.how can i do this. Thanks in advance
  19. Thanks for reply,i am waiting for your reply vekia. Minimum quantity i set 3,so i want if any product quantity with specific combination less or equal to 3 ,so somewhere in prestashop it display that this product quantity is less then 3,kindly refill product. And i already activate advanced stock management,so in stats>product quantity ,its showing product quantity with all combination like 200. Kindly guide me.is this requirement need module or some php or sql code or what
  20. That is the only option to stop the purchase after out of stock.
  21. mail i am receiving but i have lots of product and there combination,that's why i activate advanced stock management. Do you have any other idea,if adv. stock manag. is activate ,so how we check minimum product in quantity option.
  22. I am looking for solution that match my requirement,it must show the minimum quantity on top,or in red color something.
  23. This option,stat>product or quantity working if admin have single product ,but i have multiple combination for one product.so in quantity option,it showing total quantity like 2000.
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