I have a partial solution for EAN codes.
In the public_html / themes / (template-name) /templates/catalog/_partials/product-details.tpl file, the following code should be added to the condition around line 80, between {/if} and {/block}
{if isset($product.ean13) && $product.ean13 neq ''}
<section class="product-features">
<p class="h6">{l s='Specific References' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</p>
<dl class="data-sheet">
<dt class="name">{l s='EAN' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</dt>
<dd class="value">{$product.ean13}</dd>
This is the second (additional) condition to the existing one.
In total, this code snippet should look like this:
{* if product have specific references, a table will be added to product details section *}
{block name='product_specific_references'}
{if !empty($product.specific_references)}
<div class="specific-references">
{foreach from=$product.specific_references item=reference key=key}
<label class="label">{$key}</label>
{if isset($product.ean13) && $product.ean13 neq ''}
<section class="product-features">
<p class="h6">{l s='Specific References' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</p>
<dl class="data-sheet">
<dt class="name">{l s='EAN' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</dt>
<dd class="value">{$product.ean13}</dd>
Remember to make a copy of this file before modifying!