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  • First Name
    Mohamed Sami
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  1. Hello, go to ./config/smarty.config.inc.php and delete this part : //CODE MODULES PRESTEAMSHOP - PLEASE NOT REMOVE //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- smartyRegisterFunction($smarty, "modifier", "escape", "escapePTS"); function escapePTS($string, $esc_type = "html", $char_set = null, $double_encode = true, $as_html = false) { $smarty_escape = SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR."modifier.escape.php"; include_once $smarty_escape; if (!$as_html && is_callable("smarty_modifier_escape")) { $string = call_user_func("smarty_modifier_escape", $string, $esc_type, $char_set, $double_encode); } return $string; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- that will work
  2. Hi Mathan, did you find a solution? i have the same problem !! thank you
  3. Bonjour, j’espère que vous allez bien, quand des clients mettent leurs adresse en arabe, lors de l'impression du Bon de livraion je trouve des ???? au lieux du text prière de m'aider a trouver. je suis sous prestashop 1.6.1 et la langue par défaut c'est la langue Française. et j'ai importé la langue arabe mais ça marche pas Merciii
  4. Good evening everyone, I hope you are well, my problem is that I want to display the variations on the category page of my shop as the price please help me solve this problem Thank you
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