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Everything posted by SAUDIS

  1. Hi All, Appologies for the delay in replying! The other suggestions made look to have resolved the issue and I suspect it’s a caching issue as mentioned above. I only changed the theme.js file, nothing else.
  2. @carlfriedrich I resolved the issue by copying the theme.js from the download (zip file > prestashop\themes\classic\assets\js\) back into the \themes\classic\assets\js\ on my live site. The icons then loaded correctly on all pages - I have attached the file from the latest download if that helps. Kind regards, Steven theme.js
  3. It doesn't look like anyone is going to fix this issue as there is a ticket on GitHub but it's not resolved. I don't know how to escalate it further...
  4. Hi, Has anyone still got issues with the updates to the contact form in Prestashop I've made the changes to the contactcontroller.php and contact.tpl as suggested in the GitHub ticket: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/8168 but I'm still receiving an error that the form cannot be submitted. I have checked that emails are configured correctly through the back office email test and these work just fine. However the contact form is failing to submit? Has anyone else had any issue following the code base change? The error I'm recieving is: There is 1 error An error occurred while sending the message. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else is still having issues? Regards, Steven.
  5. Thank you. I'll post it over on the forge.prestashop.com site -> http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-7766 Regards, S.
  6. Hi all, Whilst building a new development environment I believe I've found a bug in the .sql structure code. The issue is that for a number of fields which have a date or datetime type the default values are set to values which actually are invalid or the equivalent of NULL. At present the default values are as follows for the following types: date: 00-00-00 datetime: 00-00-00 00:00:00 Having read the MySQL reference guide this would expose them as NULLS: Data Type “Zero” Value DATE '0000-00-00' TIME '00:00:00' DATETIME '0000-00-00 00:00:00' TIMESTAMP '0000-00-00 00:00:00' YEAR 0000 In a number of cases the fields are also set to not allow null values which the .sql code would try and insert. Could the developers look at setting the default values as below? date: 1000-01-01 datetime: 1000-01-01 00:00:00 reference documentation: date & datetime: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/datetime.html Regards, Steven.
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