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Everything posted by mark-b

  1. that is not what I want. I want that all new urls because of the change of the language structure are redirected with a 301 to the new language destinations like.fr / .de / .com
  2. I see your demo, those other languages do not have their own tld
  3. Hi El Patron, I see on you demo site, that there is only domain.com/en/ and to go to UK english, it goes to domain.com/gb/ and not to different TLD's
  4. I understand, but my question is, does prestashop also generates redirects for the old urls to new domains urls?
  5. Hi all, I have a Question, we want to change our existing website from single domain to multi domains (to multistore). we had: doemain.com/fr/ /de/ /it/ etc etc (Prestashop version 1.6) My question is, do we have to redirect every single old url to new domain or does prestashop generate the redirects from old url to new url automatic? (our site has 13 languages)
  6. use this module and you do not have that problem: Canonical URL PRO v1.1.1 - by NesSoft
  7. There is a serious problem with this module in combination with prestablog module For EG: when the blog url is like this: domain.com/en/blog/artikel-12.html the canonical tag will look like this: domain.com/en/module/prestablog/blog it should be domain.com/en/blog/artikel-12.html So you will crush your complete seo power from your blog..
  8. BO in version 1.6.1 was loaded in 0,06 seconds in version it is 0,45 seconds so it got 8 x slower!
  9. yes, yesterday and today... still the same error. What must be enabled on the server to let it work correctly?
  10. Could somebody help me with the following error in the backend of prestashop Cannot connect to the PrestaShop website to get the language list. I get this error when I open the page "translations" Curl is on the server enabled. Server informationServer information: Linux #1 SMP Tue Sep 9 21:36:05 UTC 2014 x86_64 Server software version: Apache PHP version: 5.4.22 Memory limit: 512M Max execution time: 300 Database informationMySQL version: 5.1.73 MySQL engine: InnoDB Tables prefix: ps_ Store informationPrestaShop version:
  11. Hi, I get in my GWT the following soft 404 error: domain.com/fr/module/favoriteproducts/actions?process=add It is getting back all the time, does somebody knows how to solve this? I get also the same error for domain.com/fr/module/favoriteproducts/actions?process=remove Please advise
  12. and use the correct language code like this: ( use lang.language_code instead of lang.iso_code, correct me if I'm wrong) But the default language should also refer to the root domain like domain.com and not domain.com/en/ if the default language is english {if $page_name == 'category'} {foreach $languages as $lang} <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{$lang.language_code}" href="{$link->getCategoryLink($smarty.get.id_category, null, $lang.id_lang,null,null )}" /> {/foreach} {/if} {if $page_name == 'product'} {foreach $languages as $lang} <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{$lang.language_code}" href="{$link->getProductLink($smarty.get.id_product, null, null, null, $lang.id_lang, null, 0, false)}" /> {/foreach} {/if} {if $page_name == 'cms'} {foreach $languages as $lang} <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{$lang.language_code}" href="{$link->getCMSLink($smarty.get.id_cms, null, false, $lang.id_lang)}" /> {/foreach} {/if} {if $page_name == 'manufacturer'} {foreach $languages as $lang} <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{$lang.language_code}" href="{$link->getManufacturerLink($smarty.get.id_manufacturer, null, $lang.id_lang , null)}" />{/foreach} {/if} {if $page_name == 'index'} {foreach $languages as $lang} <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{$lang.language_code}" href="http://www.domain.com/{$lang.iso_code}"/>{/foreach} {/if}
  13. code is almost correct, but there is a / missing on the end... you now get on index page: domain.com/en it should be domain.com/en/
  14. Hi, I used the default products comments module, but now I'm using another product comment module, in GWT I get an 404 error with the old products module " en/module/productcomments/default" and I started using module blockreviews, how do I redirect the the module for google?
  15. Hi, Your module works great, there is only a little issue to be fixed: index of cms pages are resulting in 404 errors: www.domain.com/en/content/category/1-home will be generated in the other languages to: <link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="http://www.domain.com/de/content/-" /> can you fix this?
  16. Hi All, I'm running gsitemap 2.3.2, version 2.3.8 is still bugs, I have SSL enabled but not on all pages but I get in the sitemap 2.3.8 language url in ssl, and other like best-sales - contact us in ssl url, this should be http
  17. Hi, they get this error when they press the "write your review" button
  18. I just update the native product comment module, when an customer want to write an review I get the error: The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later. Please advise
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