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Everything posted by skullxcrusher

  1. for the loading time i tried many modules all of it effected my website . check our etc always had errors i decided to just have page cache by a moudle which is working perfect with dynamic cache etc and have static media server. i would love to increase it more but i got tired from trying all other options that just made my website had more errors and complicated other modules.
  2. i had alot of visuals that i removed. i am using vapebar theme. i thought these visuals made my website complicated for my customers and wanted it to have straight forward with products on main page. or am i wrong?
  3. hi, i have been using prestashop for almost 4 years for my shop. i started with just 300 dollar i was really low bottom and online e-commerce changed my life now i have my own shop and one of the most famous shops in bahrain and saudi. i spent easily more than 10k on modules configs etc past these 4 years. but now i am lost i got so lost in the way. back then i use to have 50-100 order daily now my daily orders are really bad cause i stoped managing my website. i need honest review feed back on my website and what can i do to improve it? i recently got hacked by some japanes giberish thing and i fixed it it also droped my presence in google still the effect (6th day now) my website is www.bhvapers.com
  4. thanks, it did the job Change the config/defines.inc.php There is a config file named defines.inc.php, which has a setting _PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_ define('_PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_', 2); This is used by the Tools::displayPrice function in conjunction with the currency format to show the price on a majority of the site. I changed the 2 to a 3 on a local test site and it seems to be working 90%.
  5. This is pretty sad the way its been implemented, but here is how you support 3 decimal places in Prestashop v1.5. Keep in mind, this is a global site change, so it will impact currencies that are only 2 decimal places. All Prices will be shown with 3 decimals if you make this change. To summarize, you would need to make the following changes to use a 3 decimal place price. Read below for more details 1) Change the config/defines.inc.php define('_PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_', 3); 2) Override Tools::ps_round so the precision is switched globally from 2 to 3 3) Search for the usage of string_format, and ensure 3f is used instead of 2f. I only get 2 hits when I search, which is prices.tpl and AdminRangePriceController.php The detailed explanation 1. Change the config/defines.inc.php There is a config file named defines.inc.php, which has a setting _PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_ define('_PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_', 2); This is used by the Tools::displayPrice function in conjunction with the currency format to show the price on a majority of the site. I changed the 2 to a 3 on a local test site and it seems to be working 90%. 2. Override Tools::ps_round There are still some places where only 2 decimals are showing, and that is because of functions like Product::getPriceStatic and Product::priceCalculation also do decimal formatting, and instead of using the above setting, they hard coded 2. So in the AdminProductsController, where the product price is entered, rounds the price to 2 decimal Product::getPriceStatic($this->_list[$i]['id_product'], true, null, 2, null, false, true, 1, true); Those functions just pass the decimal value to Tools::ps_round, so a simple override of the ps_round function, you could do if ($precision==2) $precision=3 3. Search for the usage of string_format The last thing I could find is within the actual smarty templates, there is also price formatting. For example, in prices.tpl (which is used to show the admin product price), they are using string_format:'%.2f' This is taking the 3 decimal price, and formatting it to 2 decimal, so changing it to string_format:'%.3f' fixes that display issue. I suppose you could just remove the string_format entirely, but that will result in showing the full 6 decimal places is this the one u mean?
  6. did the changes but nothing. still the same {if !isset($priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='priceDisplayPrecision' value=3} {/if} {if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, $smarty.const.NULL)} {elseif $priceDisplay == 1} {assign var='productPrice' value=$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, $priceDisplayPrecision)} {assign var='productPriceWithoutReduction' value=$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, $smarty.const.NULL)} {/if} var productPriceWithoutReduction = '{$productPriceWithoutReduction}'; var productPrice = '{$productPrice}';
  7. BHD Bahraini dinar 3 KWD Kuwaiti dinar 3 Saudi Riyal
  8. i need search by list module something like this: http://shop.countdown.co.nz/#url=/Shop/EditSearchList and i also need module order by Voice Note where a customer (must be loged in to send voice note) can recored a voice note( like whatsapp ) and simply send it to us as an order. Then in backoffice we can view it( as it was an order) and modify it with the products that he wanted and edit/save it
  9. I need 3 decimal places in the price instead of two. How to change it in version PrestaShop™ ? for example i have products that are for 1.101 its showing only 1.10 how to make it show 1.101
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