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  1. Hi guys, how did you resolve the problem? I'm having the same problem.
  2. Hi, after reinstalling the module , it appeared. Now troubleshooting with the error: "An error occurred while sending the message." I checked previous forums where contactform.tpl was missing: $url = Tools::getValue('url'); $clientToken = Tools::getValue('token'); but my all files include it. My email settings looks OK as well, test email sent successfully.
  3. Hi Guys, it's been a while what I'm trying to fix this issue myself but I'm lost.. The contact form is just not showing up. Any ideas?
  4. Hi Federica, if i delete both prod and dev, i can't log in to BO, i can delete dev, but when change prod to prod 1 for example, it automatically regenerate original prod, same for its subfolders. Peter
  5. Hi all, tried to migrate from 1.7.4 to 1.7.8 - unsuccessful. Uploaded backup back but probably during download / upload missed some files or something. I can login to BO, but whatever I try to click on (orders, module) I am getting same error: "500Internal Server Error", so I'm not able to do anything. Thanks in advance for every help.
  6. Hi, my shop was recently moved from 1.5 to 1.7.4 version of PrestaShop. Whatever I type in the search bar it returns the same result: "Sorry for the inconvenience. Search again what are you looking for." So simply it does not work for all the products or words. When I check indexing, it says indexed products 847, but my old version shows around 1700 products. Tried re-build index, add missing products but no luck. Anyone who experience the same problem or has an idea what might have gone wrong? Appreciate in advance. Thank you.
  7. Hi guys, having this problem.. When i enable the mobile theme on smartphones & tablets in my back end Presta / Preferences / Themes, after submitting Pay Now with your debit or credit card button on Smartphone it will not redirect to the REALEX - secure payment gateway, it just opens blank page! When i disable it (full site mode), after submitting pay now button on smartphone it will redirect to Realex - works 100% I assume its a bug for REALEX module authors??? Can it be fixed updating to 1.6 ? Anyone has experienced something similar or can give advice what file to change to fix this?? MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE
  8. It's working for me fine, it does not include discount to the products what are already on sale. But i have another issue a bit different. I would need to apply the same price rule / discount to all products (which are on sale and which are not) and to apply a discount from a base price. So let say: one product i have with 10 %, 2nd 15%discount and i want now 30% to all. Normally would take 30% from already 10%/15% discounted product, with above mentioned code it does not take at all. Any ideas? Many thanks in advance..
  9. Did you guys find a solution??? Im having the exact same problem as mmortezz. Presta 1.5.5
  10. I added a new language pack - SK, when i finish an order with sk language selected, i receive order confirmation email to my inbox. But when i switch to English after finishing order i wont get any order confirmation letter to mailbox. But in admin section i can see a new order. Anybody experienced the same problem or knows what can cause it? Prestashop
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