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Everything posted by snowstone

  1. Hola a todos, estoy usando una staging site para actualizar Prestashop de 8.1.3 a 8.1.6 usando 1-Click Upgrade. He descargado los archivos de Prestashop 8.1.6 .zip y .xml de github y los he subido a mi carpeta del servidor. He conseguido actualizar Prestashop a 8.1.6 sin errores, y puedo entrar al BackOffice sin problemas (ver imagen adjunta). Pero cuando le doy a "View my store" o entro a la URL del staging: https://phpstack-1178485-4206464.cloudwaysapps.com/ Me muestra una página en blanco. ¿Cómo puedo solucionar esto? Gracias
  2. Dear community, I've recently updated my shop from the version to 8.1.3. Right now I can't update the quantities of a product. When I save the new quantity I receive the message "Configuración actualizada" (Settings updated), but when I refresh the page the changes are not made, and the quantity goes back to what it was. I deleted browser cache and also PS Cache from the Backoffice, and the console error is still there. JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0 460:7707 Found a 'popover' attribute with an invalid value. 460:7747 Found a 'popover' attribute with an invalid value. content.js:2 Error: <svg> attribute viewBox: Expected number, "0 0 100% 4". What could be the issue? Thanks
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