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  1. Our warehouse system recently changed and a new API script was required to update the order status to 'shipped' once a delivery is made. Once the API does this, a hook is triggered to capture payment via SagePay Creditcard/Paypal. However the new script doesn't seem to be updating the order status history table, and is therefore not triggering this capture. The exact script has been run on a testing site and it works perfectly. Attached is an image of what I see against the order. Do you guys have any ideas about what could be causing this not to work on the live site?
  2. I'm sure there's a clever fella to help with this! ...I need a hero...
  3. Is there a setting in Prestashop that would mark a combination unavailable for sale if it falls beneath a certain quantity? For example we have multiple routes to market and so can never be 100% sure that the Warehouse contains what it is reporting, therefore we'd like to apply a buffer (as it were) to help reduce the risk of selling a product that we actually have 0 of. All our products are sold as combinations. Really appreciate any help you can give as this is driving me nuts!
  4. Not to necro this thread but I found a more ideal solution to be the following: @media only screen and (max-width: 450px){.zoomWindow{visibility:hidden;[spam-filter] This provided greater control of when the zoom stops based on device type (the zoom function is pants on many mobiles).
  5. Thanks Gabdara, unfortunately clearing the smarty cache did not produce a positive result. The addresses are all recognised by GM as it's picked up the correct long/lat and the results table is displaying appropriate results - it's purely the map graphic itself that's playing hard to get (right).
  6. I've added new stores in Store Contacts and set them to enabled. Front End - They show in the results table but don't appear on the map with little markers. Is there a cache I need to clear etc?
  7. Still searching for an answer to this with no joy. As a work around I might change the wording to "having trouble viewing this email: Login to view your order" It's just a poorer customer journey so any help would be gratefully received!
  8. Hi All, I'm just reworking all my email templates and wondered if prestashop had a default link to view the message online like so many other email platforms? Such as {view_online}? On that note is there a complete list of all the items that can be automated using the {}s? Many thanks all, Stu
  9. Hi Folks, This is driving me crazy, I'm trying to work out how to load a single module inside parent divs so that I can more easily manage the behaviour of that module under certain conditions (screen size etc). Essentially I'm trying to do this: <div class="parent"> <div class="child"> Load Cart module </div> <div class="child"> Load Search Module </div> </div> Is this possible to do? If so what is the basic line required to do this? I'm editing the TPL files currently and just finding this so much harder than PHP Any help would be great. Thank you.
  10. Keen not to start new topics, if anyone has any solutions they would be gratefully received.
  11. Still no closer after spending a good chunk of today searching for a solution so any help would be great thanks!
  12. Hi folks, I've noticed that the default price slider uses the old price even on items that have been reduced. Is there anyway I can configure it to look at reduced/sale prices if available. I suppose PS may call it the 'final price'. Grateful for any help you can provide. Cheers, Stuart
  13. This works well Paul, is there any way I can duplicate this module to allow me to make multiple blocks?
  14. Hi Paul, Thanks for that I'll have a look and see if it'll do the job. I was hoping the functionality to do this would already be in Prestashop but I'm happy to try a free module =)
  15. Hi guys, Just inherited a Prestashop site and I was wondering how I would go about adding a new block with custom content in the left hand column of the categories pages (list of products). Attached is an image of the section I mean if that helps. Currently I can see Catalog/Information and that's it. No specials or stores. I'd like to add my own in here - how do I go about achieving this? Many thanks for any help you can provide. Stuart
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