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  1. Man idk that was even possible I will def give this a try bC I have been trying to install modules for like a month and still get the error message. Yes prestashop wants you to buy there services I would buy I don't mind but I need to know this is going to work before I shell out 200+ dollars just for support that I still may not get smh I don't think they know this steer ppl away more then them wanting to pay. Imo
  2. Basically all of them. I'm using cloud based prestashop.
  3. yep still havent heard from anyone regarding this. I will email the creator of this module now.
  4. Hi I am trying to download modules but I keep getting this message: Error: Please contact us. Im using cloud based prestashop and when I click install on the website that when the error comes up. Yes I am making sure the module I want is compatible with the version i have 1.6.1 And its not just third parties modules but prestashop modules too. and there is an error on EVERYONE i tried to install (about 20) so its not a isolated event. please help jarci
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