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corredor del asfalto

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Everything posted by corredor del asfalto

  1. hola yo tuve el mismo problema con un template de monster template y lo solucione fue con el global.css con el prestashop 1.6 pero en esta ruta /public_html/themes/theme1151/css/ y cambie el porcentaje en esta linea 899 .col-sm-2, header .row #header_logo { 900 width: 25%; } ////////////// ese porcentaje lo cambie el 25% estaba en 16.6666 si mueve lo demas pero en mi caso solo queria un poco mas grande el logo //////////
  2. hola yo tuve el mismo problema con un template de monster template y lo solucione fue con el global.css con el prestashop 1.6 pero en esta ruta /public_html/themes/theme1151/css/ y cambie el porcentaje en esta linea 899 .col-sm-2, header .row #header_logo { 900 width: 25%; } ////////////// ese porcentaje lo cambie el 25% estaba en 16.6666 si mueve lo demas pero en mi caso solo queria un poco mas grande el logo //////////
  3. hola yo tuve el mismo problema con un template de monster template y lo solucione fue con el global.css con el prestashop 1.6 pero en esta ruta /public_html/themes/theme1151/css/ y cambie el porcentaje en esta linea 899 .col-sm-2, header .row #header_logo { 900 width: 25%; } ////////////// ese porcentaje lo cambie el 25% estaba en 16.6666 si mueve lo demas pero en mi caso solo queria un poco mas grande el logo //////////
  4. hello mi site is www.sorpresia.com I could solve them attached file to see where I put the code and the file is in this themes modules path \ themeXXX \ \ blockcms \ blockcms.tpl {If $ block == 1} <! - Block CMS module -> {Foreach from = $ cms_titles key = cms_key item = cms_title} <Section id = "informations_block_left} _ {$ cms_key" class = "informations_block_left block"> <H4 class = "title_block"> <A href = "{$ cms_title.category_link | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'}" title = "{if empty ($ cms_title.name)!} {$ Cms_title.name} {else} {$ cms_title .category_name} {/ if} "> {If! Empty ($ cms_title.name)} {$ cms_title.name} {else} {$ cms_title.category_name} {/ if} </a> </ H4> <Div class = "list-block block_content"> <Ul> {Foreach from = $ cms_title.categories item = cms_page} {If isset ($ cms_page.link)} <Li class = "bullet"> <a href="{$cms_page.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cms_page.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {$ Cms_page.name | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {/ Foreach} {Foreach from = $ cms_title.cms item = cms_page} {If isset ($ cms_page.link)} <Li> <a href="{$cms_page.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cms_page.meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {$ Cms_page.meta_title | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {/ Foreach} {If $ cms_title.display_store} <Li> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'stores') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} </ Ul> </ Div> </ Section> {/ Foreach} <! - / Block CMS module -> {Else} <! - MODULE Block footer -> <Section class = "footer-block al-xs-12 al-sm-2" id = "block_various_links_footer"> <H4> {l s = 'Information' mod = 'blockcms'} </ h4> <Ul class = "toggle-footer"> {If $ show_price_drop &&! $ PS_CATALOG_MODE} <Li class = "item"> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'prices-drop') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Specials' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'Specials' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {If $ show_new_products} <Li class = "item"> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'new-products') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'New products' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'New products' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {If $ show_best_sales &&! $ PS_CATALOG_MODE} <Li class = "item"> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'best-sales') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Top Sellers' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'Top Sellers' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {If $ display_stores_footer} <Li class = "item"> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'stores') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {If $ show_contact} <Li class = "item"> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ($ CONTACT_URL, true) | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Contact us' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'Contact us' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {Foreach from = $ cmslinks item = cmslink} {If $ cmslink.meta_title! = ''} <Li class = "item"> <a href="{$cmslink.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cmslink.meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {$ Cmslink.meta_title | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} {/ Foreach} {If $ show_sitemap} <Li> <a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'sitemap') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Sitemap' mod = 'blockcms'} "> {L s = 'Sitemap' mod = 'blockcms'} </a> </ Li> {/ If} </ Ul> {$ Footer_text} </ Section> {If $ display_poweredby} <Div class = "bottom-footer al-xs-12"> //////// This is the code and put it here ////////////////// <Script type = "text / javascript"> // <! [CDATA [ tlJsHost var = ((window.location.protocol == "https:") "https://secure.comodo.com/": "http://www.trustlogo.com/"); document.write (unescape ( "% 3Cscript src = '" + tlJsHost + "TrustLogo / javascript / trustlogo.js' type = 'text / javascript'% 3E% 3C / script% 3E")); //]]> </ Script> <Script language = "JavaScript" type = "text / javascript"> TrustLogo ( "https://sorpresia.com/baikas.com/comodo_secure_seal_113x59_transp.png", "CL1", "none"); </ Script> <a href="https://ssl.comodo.com" id="comodoTL"> Comodo SSL </a> //////// up to this point ////////////////// <Span class = "current-year"> { 'Y' | date} </ span> {l s = 'Sorpresia.com Mexico | All rights reserved% s' mod = 'blockcms' sprintf = [' ']} </ Div> </ Div> {/ If} <! - / MODULE Block footer -> {/ If}
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