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  1. have you found a working solution for your CRON ? I have the exact same issue. Clearing the whole cache makes my website returning 500 error for 20 seconds when I only need to flush those 2 home modules.. 😕
  2. -e is to edit the crontab, -u <user> so you have to search in your root's crontab if there is a line that is supposed to be ran by apache then move it to your apache user's crontab
  3. I may have found something, related to a module that needs a CRON job. I was executing this cron from the root "crontab -e", when I moved the line to a regular user's crontab, the new folders were created with that username, so I ran : crontab -u www-data -e now, i'll wait for some days to see if the problem occurs again
  4. Hi, I'm asking for help cause I'm out of ideas. Since December 2021, my Prestashop started to crash and return blank pages until the website was not responding at all. I found out that there are new folders created in /cache/smarty/compile & /cache/smarty/cache, as 'root' user instead of 'www-data' (or other apache's user). After I empty the cache (file system) I get this : This folder has 0 as owner (root) : www/web/cache/smarty/compile/f4/1d My only 2 temporary solutions for this is to "chown -R www-data:www-data" all the time on /cache & /compile Smarty folders And the other solution is SQL cache instead of filesystem cache, but after a couple of days, the db is too big and I need to manually empty the cache or the site will be too slow to load
  5. Pour la MAJ vers je peux écraser les fichiers via FTP avec les nouveaux ? Quels mots clés je peux chercher pour trouver les patchs sur le forum ?
  6. Bonjour, Après un upgrade de mon serveur pour pouvoir passer en HTTP/2, mon Prestashop fonctionne mais j'ai encore quelques erreurs étranges et je ne trouve pas de solution. Dans le BO, lorsque je clique sur Paiement j'ai une page blanche 500, dans les logs j'ai : (22)Invalid argument: [client xx.xx.xx.xx:48366] mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade failed in handle_request_ipc function, referer: https://www.xxxxx.com Récemment j'ai voulu utiliser le module navigation à facettes (blocklayered), mais lorsque je clique sur Configurer, j'ai cette erreur : Serveur sous Apache, version de PHP 7.0.33-0 Je pense que ces erreurs sont dûes à PHP7 qui ne doit pas être complètement compatible avec ma version de PS1.6, mais est-il possible de les résoudre ?
  7. Solved: caused by a module to change the shipping method "Change Transporteur v 2.1 du 26_01_2014"
  8. Hi I just did a full server upgrade from Debian 8 to 9, and PHP5.6 to 7.0.0, Mysql to MariaDB, etc.. Everything works fine except one single page in Prestashop BO (PrestaShop : when I click on an order to see its details (&vieworder) the header is missing and the whole bottom of the page is missing the first HTML line in the source code is : <div class="leadin"></div> and it cuts right after the "Submit a message" button
  9. tokenizer is installed. During the restore attempt I had a disk full error (it could not unzip the archive). I assume my backup archive is complete though. If I do a manual update again, do you think it will fix this problem ?
  10. I am the server admin. I restarted Apache and there's no change. I will reboot early morning because too many visitors on the other shop at this time. And I read the php tokenizer man and I couldn't see how it can help. I hope the reboot can change something but I doubt it. I feel like Prestashop's Symfony is corrupted somehow. I put the full error log here : http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-4257
  11. I installed 1.7 directly for this shop because I didn't want to do an upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7 in the following year. So I can't downgrade, plus I use a 1.7 theme and 1.7 modules. I have another shop under PS1.6 that I know I won't be able to upgrade already. This shop has too much products, photos, I just can't start over it's weeks and weeks of work. I really hate this new version of PS, the BO is not friendly at all. Attributes system is worse than before. Which part of the server can be misconfigured ?
  12. I restored Prestashop Symfony's files. (/vendor/Symfony/*) and still getting the same error.
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