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  1. Buenas amigos, Busco solución de como añadir pago adicional si algun cliente me paga por paypal o trasferancia o contrareembolso.. Por favor ayuda lo mas antes posible teceuropa.com Un ejemplo esta adjuntado Un SALUDO! LLEVO PRESTASHOP CLOUD
  2. Buenas Amigos, Llevo configurando la página web mía (https://www.teceuropa.com/) y acabo de configurar el modulo Paypal pero no me funciona como debe de funciona, si accedeid a la página y haceis una compra, despues intentar pagar con paypal y no va el boton este. ALGUN EXPERTO PUEDE AYUDAR? USO PRESTASHOP CLOUD Y OTRA COSA SI PUEDO ACTUALIZAR LA VERSION CLOUD A AYUDA RAPIDA URGENTE!
  3. I used a support ticket with some frustratoin and it ought to be an error from their end. Right now they fixed and returned my used ticket...
  4. I had not added the www in my hosting web!
  5. Greetings, Recently I bought a SSL CERTIFICATE from Prestashop and as instructed by the Prestashop I changed the DNS IP settings to the IP provided, later it said that It would take about 2-8 hours to take update, So, today I tried opening my website and it gave some buckle error and it said that the web done too many refreshes. I would like to get some solution to get runing my web as soon as possible. My website is: teceuropa.com PLEASE HELP! Thanks in Advance!
  6. It is resolved I managed to figure it out myself!
  7. Hello, Everyone I am trying to combine my prestashop to a Domain that I have bought and registered on Dreamhost, I have put the DNS A with the ip settingt that were provided in to my Domains DNS setting but I keep getting error on the PrestaShop Domain & Certificates Section. I rechecked the DNS and tried the retry button many times but it keeps giving me that error in the picture as shown. I hope to get any asnwer soon and that my issue gets resolved soon! Best Regards.
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