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Everything posted by istox

  1. Thanks this helps for me! But now I have no payment methods to choose during order checkout. If I return this file paymentmodule.php I've got an error 500.
  2. Link 2 is close to my needs, but it is for prestashop 1.4. The code in 1.6 is different.
  3. I read all thread. There are things for finish order limit. But I need from begin Just add any of products maximal 20pcs. Product A = 4 Product B = 10 Product C= 6
  4. Thanks for your help, but not helped me. I need no ORDER quantity. I need that users can't ADD products in cart more than 20 or not more than amount of currency. I need it to stop some users and bots to ADD products to cart for more than 10 or 20 pcs.
  5. Hi Is there any way in prestashop 1.6 limit quantity of products in cart? For example: Cart can contain maximum products = 20? Or cart can contain maximum order amount 1000EUR?
  6. Go to themes>your theme>css>modules>homeslider Find file homeslider.css and change there line number 10.
  7. Any help? Maybe it is module or status? I can't find it.
  8. Hello! I have missed option product actions of "edit" and "delete" product in order page. Please look to att. How to resovle this issue?
  9. Разницы получается между responsive и мобильной никакой. Это не так. В мобильной версии все выглядит по другому. А я пробовал на экранах с разным разрешением, и на разных мобильных устройствах, эффект тот-же. Походу дело это действительно проблема у всех.
  10. And where I can find this code in 1.6 it is different neither 1.5 or 1.4
  11. And how change the pagination numbers? 12 24 and 48?
  12. Добрый всем, Не хочу видеть и использовать мобильную версию. Пробовал 2 инсталяции. Выключаю, а в телефоне, планшете, в другом телефоне отображается мобильная версия. Даже на сайте http://mobiletest.me/ Все равно отображает мобильную весрию. Как выключить ее совсем? Есть папка mobile в themes/bootstrap пробовал ее удалять ни какой реакции. Prestashop все по дефалту.
  13. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/21167-module-update-paypal-v16-from-112beta-with-paypal-fees-passed-on-to-customer/
  14. Google? Any searches before posting? Try this one module. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/218257-module-change-order-reference-using-order-id-andor-cart-id/
  15. Hello! In the version of prestashop 1.4.7 was nice feature to write supplier reference code or stock reference to the product under the product name. And this code wasn't shown to customers or visitors. Now in prestashop I can't find this feature to edit this field.
  16. Hello! How I can disable left column on cash on delivery module in the validation order page? The Theme config is set to off left column. validation.php is set to public $display_column_left = false; But left column appears . Please see the picture:
  17. I have the same problem. No tinyMCE or editor in CMS and product description, UPD: Tested on other PC and smartphone its showing and working in Chrome and other browsers. On laptop in Chrome it is not showing, but in Firefox working (IE not working on laptop). Strange....
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