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About Peda

  • Birthday 01/01/1976

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  1. the "saving translations" problem still remaining in PrestaShop release
  2. PrestaShop 1.7 released PrestaShop released The same problem still standing over there.
  3. Hi, PrestaShop v1.7.0.0 RC2 / International / Translations / not saving "Other translations" After editing Translation key, clicking "Edit" button; - saving Back office translations - saving Themes translations - not saving Other translations
  4. Teşekkürler. Yani index'te Rewrite URL bölümü boş mu bırakılacak, yoksa Türkçe bölümüne "tr", İngilizce bölümüne de "en" yazılacak mı?
  5. I'm confused about adding my multi language site (2 languages) to the Google Webmasters. For instance: 1) http://www.mysite.com/ 2) http://mysite.com/ 3) http://www.mysite.com/en/ 4) http://www.mysite.com/fr/ - Do I have to add these 4 addresses to the Google Webmasters (Search Console)? - Do I have to add my sitemap .xml files for each of them? Or only for main address (http://www.mysite.com/) - Do I have to use 301 redirections? (Or enabling Canonical URLs is enough?) - Do I have to use "hreflang" for each language and regional URLs? - If default language is FR, entering "http://www.mysite.com/" and "http://www.mysite.com/fr/" goes the same pages. Are we going to encounter duplicate content issues? Thanks in advance
  6. Merhaba, Normalde index sayfasının "Rewritten URL" kısmı boş. (Backoffice / Preferences / SEO & URLs) index sayfasının "Rewritten URL" kısmında Türkçe için TR, İngilizce için EN yazmak uygun mudur, yoksa boş mu bırakılmalıdır. İyi çalışmalar Not: Sorunun sebebi, Google Web Yöneticilerine 2 dilde yapılmış bir siteyi, 2 ayrı site gibi ekleyebilmek: 1) www.xxx.com/tr 2) www.xxx.com/en
  7. Merhaba, Google sitemap modülünü güncelleştirdim. Yeni versiyonu "Google sitemap v3.1.0 - by PrestaShop" kullanarak .xml dosyalarımı oluşturdum ve Google'a gönderdim. Dosyalarımın içinde 61306 adet web URL'si var. Google'ın kabul ettiği rakam ise 17,547 URL. (indexlediği değil, sadece kabul ettiği web URL sayısı) Muhtemelen .xml dosyaları içindeki birçok URL'yi aynı zannedip, sadece bir tanesini kabul ediyor. Mesela, aşağıdaki birbirinden farklı üç ayrı sayfayı göz ardı ediyor olabilir. Ama bu sayfalar ve ürünler tamamen birbirinden farklı şeyler. .../en/fiat/20199-engine-crossmember-fiat-fiat-124-serie.html .../en/fiat/20200-engine-crossmember-fiat-fiat-124-serie.html .../en/fiat/20201-engine-crossmember-fiat-fiat-124-serie.html Eski versiyon "Google Sitemap" modüllerinde böyle bir sorun yoktu. Yeni versiyonda, sitemap modül sayfasında tüm seçenekleri işaretliyorum. Sadece "index"i işaretlemiyorum. Ve "Generate Sitemap" butonuna basınca, daha az sayıda .xml oluşturuyor fakat herbiri çok daha büyük boyutta. Yardımcı olabilecek arkadaşlara şimdiden teşekkür ederim. Google'ın bir FAQ sayfasında şu yazıyor: Q: Why is my Sitemap file showing a submitted URL count that does not match the number of entries in my Sitemap file? A: The number of submitted URLs reflects the number of unique URLs submitted in your Sitemap file, not the number of entries in the file. If Google finds a significant number of duplicate URLs, we may limit the number of URLs that we include for this count. You can resolve this issue by making sure that your Sitemap file does not contain duplicate URLs.
  8. Hi, In "Google sitemap v3.1.0 - by PrestaShop" module, I checked all options except "index". I clicked "Generate Sitemap" button and sent .xml files to Google web masters (Search Console) It's created: 1_en_0_sitemap.xml, 1_en_1_sitemap.xml, 1_en_2_sitemap.xml and 1_index_sitemap.xml These files have totally 61306 unique web URL counts. But Google submitted only 17,547 web pages. I think, Google assume/accept that, there are lots of dublicate URL's in the .XML files. For instance: .../en/fiat/20199-engine-crossmember-fiat-fiat-124-serie.html .../en/fiat/20200-engine-crossmember-fiat-fiat-124-serie.html .../en/fiat/20201-engine-crossmember-fiat-fiat-124-serie.html But these are different pages ant each of them referring to different products. In older versions of "Goodle Sitemap module", I were submitting accurate count of my URL's to Google. But in the new version of "Google sitemap v3.1.0 - by PrestaShop", I can not. Maybe the problem occuring from this innovation in the new version: New module reducing the number of XML files, but increasing their sizes. Any help would be appreciated Note: (Google FAQ) Q: Why is my Sitemap file showing a submitted URL count that does not match the number of entries in my Sitemap file? A: The number of submitted URLs reflects the number of unique URLs submitted in your Sitemap file, not the number of entries in the file. If Google finds a significant number of duplicate URLs, we may limit the number of URLs that we include for this count. You can resolve this issue by making sure that your Sitemap file does not contain duplicate URLs.
  9. Changing this code affecting both category main images and subcategory main images. I need only aligning subcategory images to the right side. I already don't know, which code I've to change/add in this line.
  10. I think you are talking about catergory.tpl Do I have to change/add something in this code? Do you know what I have to change or add? <div class="subcategory-image"> <a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$subcategory.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="img"> {if $subcategory.id_image} <img class="replace-2x" src="{$link->getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" /> {else} <img class="replace-2x" src="{$img_cat_dir}{$lang_iso}-default-medium_default.jpg" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" /> {/if} </a> </div>
  11. The same problem here. PrestaShop I added this code (background-position: right !important; }), below the .content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg { in category.css file. And changed the dimensions to 217x217 and to other values .... from Preferences -> Images. Nothing changed.
  12. I am using PrestaShop and I would like to move the subcategory image from the middle to the right. in category.css file I added background-position code .content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg { padding: 18px 10px 10px 12px; background-color: #464646 !important; background-position: right !important; } @media (max-width: 1199px) { In Preferences -> Images, I changed dimensions to 217x217 and and also into other values and regenerate thumbnails but nothing changed. with regards
  13. Yes its related with Catalog Mode. In normal mode (Catalog mode off), there is no problem about there.
  14. Hello I am using latest version of PrestaShop. Currently I am clicking "+" and "-" symbols to expand/collapse subcategories on left column. Is it possible to click on a category name to expand/collapse subcategories? I researched solution, someone threads saying edit "category-tree-branch.tpl" or "blockcategories.tpl" and some of them are saying edit "treeManagement.js" file. But I could not succeed and found a clear solution. Regards
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