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Everything posted by Luk001

  1. Hello , I have Prestashop 1.7.5 one VPS with 6GB ram and 100 GB of hard disk. I have a big problem with the performance of the web site . I have a lot of query as this this one :Creating sort index | SELECT p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) AS quantity, IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute, 0) AS id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.minimal_quantity AS product_attribute_minimal_quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, image_shop.`id_image` id_image, il.`legend` as legend, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default, DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB("2020-07-05 00:00:00", INTERVAL 20 DAY)) > 0 AS new, product_shop.price AS orderprice FROM `pr_category_product` cp LEFT JOIN `pr_product` p ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product` INNER JOIN pr_product_shop product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1) LEFT JOIN `pr_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop ON (p.`id_product` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product` AND product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1 AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop=1) LEFT JOIN pr_stock_available stock ON (stock.id_product = `p`.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1 AND stock.id_shop_group = 0 ) LEFT JOIN `pr_category_lang` cl ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = 2 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) LEFT JOIN `pr_product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = 2 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LEFT JOIN `pr_image_shop` image_shop ON (image_shop.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND image_shop.cover=1 AND image_shop.id_shop=1) LEFT JOIN `pr_image_lang` il ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 2) LEFT JOIN `pr_manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = 1 AND cp.`id_category` = 1306 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") ORDER BY cp.`position` ASC LIMIT 0,9 | 0.000 | And server is busy and a lot of time I have a timeout error How I can fix it ? Thanks Luca
  2. Ciao , non so come contattarti via messaggio se vuoi puoi scrivermi a info@maionesrl.com
  3. Ciao io ho il data set con i dati , mi interessa il discorso del modulo
  4. Hello , I have the same problem , Do You find a solution ?
  5. Hello , I have Prestashop 1.7.5. I have 3 language installated and I want delete one . I open the BO with italian language , then I choose the delete the English language and I have this error in Italian "Non puoi cancellare la lingua usata attualmente. Cambia le lingue prima di cancellare." but all the BO change language and became english . Any Idea ? Thanks Luca
  6. Salve a tutti abbiamo il seguente problema ; Utilizziamo presta Shop Versione Hosting Linux condiviso su Server Plan versione Enterprise 100 GB Versione php 7.0 Attualmente abbiamo 11113 prodotti indicizzati , i prodotti caricati però sono 22232 se lanciamo la funzione aggiungi i prodotti all'indice la funzione va a buon fine ma non aggiunge gli altri , se usiamo la funzione aggiungi all'indice i prodotti mancanti pochi secondi ci da sito positivo ma non aggiunge nessun prodotto. Se apriamo un prodotto e lo salviamo manualmente lo troviamo nell'indice ma se rieseguiamo la funzione aggiunge all'indice scompare. Abbiamo provato a cancellare le 2 tabelle search_index e search_word ma il risultato è sempre lo stesso . Ci sono suggerimenti o qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso nostro problema ? Grazie
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