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[SOLVED] Currency Not Supported in PayPal 3.5.8


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Many people have complained about not being able to make payments with PayPal when the default shop currency is not supported by PayPal. This often returns a currency not supported error. The only solution so far has been to switch the default currency to something that IS supported but requires changing of all prices in the shop.

This replacement file for PayPal module 3.5.8 solves the problem by adding a define called PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY which can be optionally set to the currency ID found in Localization > Currencies.

This will then enforce a conversion to the desired currency no matter which store is selected.

Just replace the file process.php in modules/payment/paypal/express_checkout/ and at the top of the file modify the PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY to whatever you wish to use.

This has been tested and works under Prestashop I have not tested the payment with discounts, so if there are any changes to be made please let me know.

I hope this helps everyone who has been hunting for solutions. Enjoy!


process.phpFetching info...

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  • 3 weeks later...



what about the same fix for latest PayPal module.

BTW, It seems to me, root cause of problem with PayPal module is removing last step with order amout approval, like bankwire module, (or hook for it) from PayPal module.

In version 1.4 this automatic currency switching and converting happend on this step.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, this is just to let you know that the PayPal Module is updated to 3.6. You can download it here http://addons.prestashop.com/en/payments-gateways-prestashop-modules/1748-paypal.html


Make sure to always have a backup of your files before you update modules. Do not hesitate to leave feedback about the module and if you have any issues, we can work together to solve them. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/1/2013 at 1:38 PM, abondares said:

This doese not work for PayPal Module 3.6.

Any solutions for this problem?


I also have the same problem with Croatian kuna currency.

PayPal module 3.6 doesn't work with Akash's solution.

Does anybody have an old 3.5.8 version for downloading?



Edited by Avly (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


I have a smart solution for you. Use latest PayPal for USA module.


1) Before installing it, go to preferences - contact - change country to USA.

2) Install the module and re-change a country to yours.

3) In restriction check all currencies.


I use 1 non supported currency and one supported. It works for both :)

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Hi guys,


I have a smart solution for you. Use latest PayPal for USA module.


1) Before installing it, go to preferences - contact - change country to USA.

2) Install the module and re-change a country to yours.

3) In restriction check all currencies.


I use kuna and euro. It works with both :)

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Guys it does work, you are just doing something wrong when editing the php file, remember everytime you update the prestashop or the paypal module you have to replace the php file, ask the author of this topic for more help. (Ive tried 3 different "non supported currencies and they work"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/24/2013 at 7:44 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hello all, this is just to let you know that the PayPal Module is updated to 3.6. You can download it here http://addons.prestashop.com/en/payments-gateways-prestashop-modules/1748-paypal.html


Make sure to always have a backup of your files before you update modules. Do not hesitate to leave feedback about the module and if you have any issues, we can work together to solve them. 





Do you know wher can I download  Paypal 3.5.8, the solution posted previously is not working on Paypal 3.6.1

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

The issue "Currency not supported" is still presented in the latest version 3.6.3 of the PayPal module - my shop's currency is Bulgarian lev.


I did the same changes in process.php as akashheimlich did and now the module works. Here is the corresponding file for 3.6.3:


This solution is good only in case you want to use only one currency for PayPal payments, i.e. this solution helps to convert any currency to the currency set by PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY when customer wants to use PayPal (tested with PayPal 3.6.4)


But I have a little bit different problem. I have these currencies enabled in my shop: USD, EUR, GBP and LTL. I want to be able to accept PayPal payments in USD, EUR and GBP, but because only LTL is not supported by PayPal, I want to convert only LTL to EUR. The default currency is EUR.


Please, any suggestions?

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I'm having the same currency problem... The version of PayPal is: 3.6.4 and the version of PrestaShop is I'm using only one currency in the shop, but it is not supported on PayPal.

Have someone tested the solution for this problem in the latest version of PayPal?

Is there something specific that we should choose in order for the changed file process.php to fix the problem - like the option: "Need PayPal to process all your card payments ?" or "Need PayPal in addition to your existing card processor ?", or the option for "Offer your customers a 3-click checkout experience" should be "Yes" or it should be "No"...


If anyone has an idea, please?

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It is working now at my end too, PayPal: 3.6.4 and PrestaShop: I used the file of Eli Ivanova as well. The problem at my end was caused by the fact that I had only one currency in PrestaShop and it wasn't supported by PayPal. So I added one of the supported currencies - EURO and in the process.php I entered the ID of the EURO currency, not the ID of my default (and not supported by PayPal) currency. Now everything is working fine.



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  • 2 weeks later...



  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

The issue "Currency not supported" is still presented in the latest version 3.6.3 of the PayPal module - my shop's currency is Bulgarian lev.


I did the same changes in process.php as akashheimlich did and now the module works. Here is the corresponding file for 3.6.3:


it is working perfect for me (PrestaShop, PayPal 3.6.5 ), default shop currency  GTQ, Paypal module forced currency US$ 

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Hi All


Sorry Newbie,


I cant seem to get the code to work, If i Understand correctly i should change the text to the default Currency set in my store:


Like: define("Rand",2);

class PaypalExpressCheckout extends Paypal


or should i have it as



class PaypalExpressCheckout extends Paypal


I am trying to get the south african Rand to work.



Paypal Module: 3.6.5


Thank you in advance.

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  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

The issue "Currency not supported" is still presented in the latest version 3.6.3 of the PayPal module - my shop's currency is Bulgarian lev.


I did the same changes in process.php as akashheimlich did and now the module works. Here is the corresponding file for 3.6.3:


Work Great

you are the best

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

Въпрос "Валутата не се поддържа" The все още е представена в най-новата версия 3.6.3 на модула PayPal - валута моя магазин е български лев.


Направих същите промени в process.php като akashheimlich направих и сега модулът работи. Тук е съответния файл за 3.6.3: 

Благодаря ви за страхотна работа Eli Ivanova

Edited by kaic (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Eli,


You have saved hours of mine fixing the bug in paypal module. Everything looks good until I found myself stuck at one final things. After it redirects back to prestashop, the amount stays in the converted price, while currency symbol is correct, in the return (order confirmation) page. For example, the order confirmation page shows


Total of the transaction (taxes incl.) : Rs. 6.19


The currency shown here is fine, while the amount figure is the Dollar converted figure, which Paypal used for the transaction. I should get back the original amount in Rs.


Thanks in advance.

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hello shaktishakya,


I know what you mean, but I couldn't find the solution for this. It is not straightforward, because the real amount is calculated and the currency is processed also. So, I decided to hide this line in this template. At that very moment, after completing the payment, this information is not so important, as the user has already received the email with the exact figures.

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Made changes in the file    "controllers/front/submit.php"


I defined PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY before the class definition.




public function initContent()



       'price' => Tools::displayPrice($paypal_order['total_paid'], PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY),



       $order_currency = new Currency((int)$order->id_currency);
       $display_currency = new Currency(PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY);


       $price = $paypal_order['total_paid'];





                'is_guest' => (($this->context->customer->is_guest) || $this->context->customer->id == false),
                'order' => $paypal_order,
                'price' => Tools::displayPrice($price, PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY),




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  • 2 weeks later...



there is no bug here!

Just update paypal module to the last version: 3.6.8.


I tested two different cases:

prestashop 1.5.2 and paypal 3.6.8


prestashop 1.6 and paypal 3.6.8


and works fine both.


I think the problem you have is because you don't set the correct currency restrictions on payment tab for paypal module.


All you have to do is to go in module>payment and be sure to check a currency that is accepted by paypal:



supose we have 2 curency:

dollar and lei(lei is not supported by paypal).


In PS 1.5.2 i have in currency restrictions section

for each currency (in my case dollar and lei) one checkbox for each payment module

and another 2 radio boxes : one for 'Customer currency' and one for 'Shop default currency'.

The only way is work is to check the dollar checkbox and the 'Customer currency' radio box on the paypal column.



For PS 1.6 is easier, we have on paypal column only radio boxes  and works with 'Customer currency' radio box(if is paypal supported) or dollar radio box checked.

Edited by ktapet (see edit history)
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I just found a much better fix (for my case at least) that canceled this one


I was forced to look for another fix cause after updating to 1.6 the above fix stopped working


This one is intended for Greek language or any other language that uses double-byte characters




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



I have added the file and it works. However, I must say that the exchange rate used by PayPal is different from the exchange rate of the page, so the total amounts end up being different. 


My problem with this solution is that the Transaction Fee for using PayPal is not added!!


Anyone kind enough to help me? 


- Mariano

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Thanks for the advice El Patron. I have just solved my issue by only adding the few lines user akashheimlich added.


First, added line 36 before class:




changed the currency id here to 1 instead of 7:


$this->currency = new Currency((int)$this->context->cart->id_currency=1);


and then added lines 120 through 123 to solve the currency decimals issues:


if (defined("PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY")) {
$paycurrency = new Currency(PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY);
I noticed that the exchange rate was different because of the  lines 312-316 akashheimlich added in private function setProductsList
if (defined("PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY")) {
$fields['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'.$index] = Tools::ps_round($pc, $paycurrency->decimals * _PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION_);
} else
The reason why the transaction fee was not showing was because the user disabled its addition in the code and eliminated some lines which are by default in the original process.php file. Therefore, I just added the lines necessary to solve the conversion issue.
Does not PayPal charge you a fee for using their service? Cannot I transfer this fee to my customers?
Why then the PayPal module allows us to charge a transaction fee?
Edited by nanos215 (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...


i am using ps 1.6 and us paypal module, my shop's default currency is in INR and i have kept dollar as paypal currency (since paypal doesnot support INR) , my problem is while redirecting to paypal account for payment paypal is not converting my currency to Dollars .

for ex:- 100INR is dispayed as 100$, and in my invoice and in order section it displays the amount in dollars. 


How to convert my currency into Dollars in paypal payment section ?

How to display default currency in my invoice?

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

The issue "Currency not supported" is still presented in the latest version 3.6.3 of the PayPal module - my shop's currency is Bulgarian lev.


I did the same changes in process.php as akashheimlich did and now the module works. Here is the corresponding file for 3.6.3:


Works perfectly with latest Paypal Europe 3.7.2 and Presta 1.6.


thanks :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Is possible to fix this with latest version of paypal 3.8.1? If yes, how??


I can't find paypal force currency!!!




I made the following, I don't know if it's correct. But it is working.


find all lines with " $this->currency = new Currency((int)$this->context->cart->id_currency=1);  "


and change the id with your id currency.


It works on my shop

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't if this is the correct thread....


But, we're having this problem with paypal at the moment.


PayPal response:

TIMESTAMP -> 2014-12-23T10:33:21Z
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10004
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Invalid character in parameter. Invalid characters include 0x0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x5, 0x7, 0x8, 0xb, 0x1a, 0x1b for example.


We don't have any clue what to do with it. But our customers can not pay with paypal now.


Does anyone have any idea?


Thanks in advance.


Kind regards

Edited by weckie (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/24/2014 at 8:32 PM, monkata said:

Is possible to fix this with latest version of paypal 3.8.1? If yes, how??


I can't find paypal force currency!!!




I made the following, I don't know if it's correct. But it is working.


find all lines with " $this->currency = new Currency((int)$this->context->cart->id_currency=1);  "


and change the id with your id currency.


It works on my shop




when I do this it works but it does not do conversion of If I have 100 kn I get 100 EUR, 


Is there a fix for this?


I ma using PS1.6.0.9 and PayPal v3.8.1

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  On 1/3/2015 at 3:35 PM, mehnihma said:


when I do this it works but it does not do conversion of If I have 100 kn I get 100 EUR, 


Is there a fix for this?


I ma using PS1.6.0.9 and PayPal v3.8.1


Getting the same error, now its not converting

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have installed latest version, paypal module 3.8.1 with active currency: euro( defoult), USD, GPB and for last few days, all basked were transferd to defoult store currency without any issue. today I checked some transacion and I found issue, all transaction not in EUR are converted incoreclty, that means for example: product is for 5 euro, customer payid 5,15 Euro when was choisen USD. ( 1euor= 5,15USD).

any idea how to convert price correctly?? is huge issue.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/18/2015 at 12:14 AM, zabamich said:

I have installed latest version, paypal module 3.8.1 with active currency: euro( defoult), USD, GPB and for last few days, all basked were transferd to defoult store currency without any issue. today I checked some transacion and I found issue, all transaction not in EUR are converted incoreclty, that means for example: product is for 5 euro, customer payid 5,15 Euro when was choisen USD. ( 1euor= 5,15USD).


any idea how to convert price correctly?? is huge issue.


Same problem :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

The issue "Currency not supported" is still presented in the latest version 3.6.3 of the PayPal module - my shop's currency is Bulgarian lev.


I did the same changes in process.php as akashheimlich did and now the module works. Here is the corresponding file for 3.6.3:


This is working fine, but you have to set your currency for paypal on the first line  : define("PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY",n); where n is the currency id for the currency you want paypal to use / convert your foreign currency to. So in my case the n is 3, for EURO. The standard n that comes with the file process.php is 2, in my case the foreign currency id.

Now it is working great. Thanks Eli !

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Sorry for refreshing this topic but it might be helpful for the others.


If you have Google Analytics module installed, turn it off. It is what caused conversion problems in my case, and uninstalling it solved the problem. I didn't needed to even change .php files.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/19/2015 at 11:44 AM, gabx said:

Sorry for refreshing this topic but it might be helpful for the others.


If you have Google Analytics module installed, turn it off. It is what caused conversion problems in my case, and uninstalling it solved the problem. I didn't needed to even change .php files.


Thanks, some how this method works for me!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 8/17/2013 at 11:05 AM, akashheimlich said:

Many people have complained about not being able to make payments with PayPal when the default shop currency is not supported by PayPal. This often returns a currency not supported error. The only solution so far has been to switch the default currency to something that IS supported but requires changing of all prices in the shop.

This replacement file for PayPal module 3.5.8 solves the problem by adding a define called PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY which can be optionally set to the currency ID found in Localization > Currencies.

This will then enforce a conversion to the desired currency no matter which store is selected.

Just replace the file process.php in modules/payment/paypal/express_checkout/ and at the top of the file modify the PAYPAL_FORCE_CURRENCY to whatever you wish to use.

This has been tested and works under Prestashop I have not tested the payment with discounts, so if there are any changes to be made please let me know.

I hope this helps everyone who has been hunting for solutions. Enjoy!


This worked for me! Thank you very much.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 4/19/2015 at 11:44 AM, gabx said:

Sorry for refreshing this topic but it might be helpful for the others.


If you have Google Analytics module installed, turn it off. It is what caused conversion problems in my case, and uninstalling it solved the problem. I didn't needed to even change .php files.

Solved my paypal problem too.. Thanks a lot man. I was facing so many difficulties just because of this... Thanks a lot !!


Chirag Gupta


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  On 9/12/2014 at 12:13 PM, angelu said:


i am using ps 1.6 and us paypal module, my shop's default currency is in INR and i have kept dollar as paypal currency (since paypal doesnot support INR) , my problem is while redirecting to paypal account for payment paypal is not converting my currency to Dollars .

for ex:- 100INR is dispayed as 100$, and in my invoice and in order section it displays the amount in dollars. 


How to convert my currency into Dollars in paypal payment section ?



  On 4/19/2015 at 11:44 AM, gabx said:

Sorry for refreshing this topic but it might be helpful for the others.


If you have Google Analytics module installed, turn it off. It is what caused conversion problems in my case, and uninstalling it solved the problem. I didn't needed to even change .php files.


To fix this problem without disabling Google Analytics

You need to change in "paypal/express_checkout/process.php" this line :

$this->product_list = $this->context->cart->getProducts();

to this:


$this->product_list = $this->context->cart->getProducts(true);
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  • 3 months later...

Guys, Hello from me in Bulgaria.
Big thanks to Ktapet for opening my eyes. Also big thanks to Eli Ivanova and to for akashheimlich their original solutions at the begining of this topic.


However, after thinking about what ktapet said, it seems all these problems we all "had" are the result of bad configuring of our store.
What worked for me requires NO CODING abilities and needs ONLY your correct configuring of your MODULES / PAYMENT section. Bellow I will give you screenshots of what otherwise is this configuration:

1. Default shop currency is EUR

- Additionally I have USD and BGN (Bulgarian Lev) as installed currencies.



Then, what you need to make sure, in your MODULES / PAYMENT section, scroll down to CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS section and select the PAYPAL radiobox for "Shop default currency" 




What I've found this to do is to automatically convert the Unsupported Paypal currency into the Shop's default currency.



The result was great to see on my PS v

Here are two snaps of what I get from the above settings in practice:


and after order:




Hope this is helpful to others too and not only to me.

Best of luck!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi guys.  Since this post was started more than 2 years ago, would anybody know if this solution still works with version of Prestashop?  We would like Bulgarian Lev as our currency, but PayPal does not support this.  


I don't want to try and mess around with the files and code in case I break the whole shop, unless I know it would work.  Any idea?

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  On 12/28/2015 at 10:59 AM, themadcatlady said:

Hi guys.  Since this post was started more than 2 years ago, would anybody know if this solution still works with version of Prestashop?  We would like Bulgarian Lev as our currency, but PayPal does not support this.  


I don't want to try and mess around with the files and code in case I break the whole shop, unless I know it would work.  Any idea?

Do you ONLY have BGN currency?

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  On 12/28/2015 at 1:54 PM, themadcatlady said:

Yes, only BGN, nothing else. 

PayPal cannot work with BGN.

For this reason, you cannot accept BGN in Paypal. 

Consider adding EUR as currency and try my tutorial above.


If you only target getting paid in BGN then maybe ePay is your option.


Let me know how you proceed.

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  On 12/28/2015 at 1:55 PM, vicbg said:

PayPal cannot work with BGN.

For this reason, you cannot accept BGN in Paypal. 

Consider adding EUR as currency and try my tutorial above.


If you only target getting paid in BGN then maybe ePay is your option.


Let me know how you proceed.

Thank you for that reply.  I thought as much.  I am looking into "Stripe" as a payment option, they do support the Bulgarian Lev currrency. Again, thank you. 

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  On 11/10/2015 at 3:33 PM, vicbg said:

Guys, Hello from me in Bulgaria.

Big thanks to Ktapet for opening my eyes. Also big thanks to Eli Ivanova and to for akashheimlich their original solutions at the begining of this topic.


However, after thinking about what ktapet said, it seems all these problems we all "had" are the result of bad configuring of our store.

What worked for me requires NO CODING abilities and needs ONLY your correct configuring of your MODULES / PAYMENT section. Bellow I will give you screenshots of what otherwise is this configuration:

1. Default shop currency is EUR

- Additionally I have USD and BGN (Bulgarian Lev) as installed currencies.



Then, what you need to make sure, in your MODULES / PAYMENT section, scroll down to CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS section and select the PAYPAL radiobox for "Shop default currency" 




What I've found this to do is to automatically convert the Unsupported Paypal currency into the Shop's default currency.



The result was great to see on my PS v

Here are two snaps of what I get from the above settings in practice:


and after order:




Hope this is helpful to others too and not only to me.


Best of luck!!!

Thank you for all those instructions!  :)


However, the whole point is that we would like people to be charged in Bulgarian Lev at the end when they get to PayPal, but what I see from your screenshot is that it will convert into Euro anyway. That part I already knew, but I would like that bit in Bulgarian Lev too - but since PayPal does not support BGN, it will still default to Euro.... 

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  On 12/30/2015 at 6:58 PM, kaic said:


Hi, I replaced the module and use file process.php

Now my system converted "Bulgarian LV " to £ and I want to be "euro"

How can I do so that it converted to "euro"?



Can you do a screenshot of your BO:

#1. currency settings

#2. currency restrictions setting



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  • 1 month later...

I've used the latest available version of the Paypal module and updated it with forced currency conversion.

The attached file will take the currency under ID 1 in Admin > Localization > Currencies and it for conversion on Paypal.


Just replace the process-3.10.2-currency-conversion.php with process.php in modules/paypal/express_checkout and you should be good to go. If you want to use a different currency supported by Paypal then change the ID on line 38 from 1 to the desired currency ID.


process-3.10.2-currency-conversion.zipFetching info...

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everything work fine but when buyer use voucher give me error:

Payment error
Please try to contact the merchant:
An error occurred while processing payment.

In BO: Price paid on paypal is not the same that on PrestaShop.
I use last paypal europe 3.10.2

Thank you!


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Anyone solve the problem with currency? I don't know but I have this error when I try to Pay with Paypal. One week ago everything was finy and right now this:


Error occurred:
  1. <b>PayPal response:</b>
  2. TIMESTAMP -> 2016-02-15T22:46:12Z
  3. L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10605
  4. L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
  5. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Currency is not supported
  6. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error

In prestashop I have currency EUR only but in paypal/api/Results.txt i have:




and one week ago was:



ASR is Argentina! Why? this langauge is not installed in my prestashop (and removed)


Could you help me? I do not know wha to do :(



Aleksandra :)

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  • 5 months later...
  On 1/4/2014 at 1:47 PM, Eli Ivanova said:

The issue "Currency not supported" is still presented in the latest version 3.6.3 of the PayPal module - my shop's currency is Bulgarian lev.


I did the same changes in process.php as akashheimlich did and now the module works. Here is the corresponding file for 3.6.3:

You are life saver. Thanks!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


I have updated the module paypal version 3.11.1 and pestashop works.


But at the end of the process it throws an error but the payment is processed.


The customer is confused and makes the order several times ..



Any new update to process.php?

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  On 11/8/2016 at 3:54 AM, chucurulo said:


I have updated the module paypal version 3.11.1 and pestashop works.
But at the end of the process it throws an error but the payment is processed.
The customer is confused and makes the order several times ..
Any new update to process.php?


If you follow the process it should work, I had the same issue.

Check if the id's of the currencies are set as supposed. If I remember 1 for USD/EURO and 2 for unsupported currency. This should be done from the Presta admin panel.

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  On 11/8/2016 at 7:29 AM, Premitium said:

If you follow the process it should work, I had the same issue.

Check if the id's of the currencies are set as supposed. If I remember 1 for USD/EURO and 2 for unsupported currency. This should be done from the Presta admin panel.


Thanks for the answer I could not understand the answer well.

The currency not supported by paypal for me has id 2.

In which line should I add coin 2 to make it work. ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

For Paypal 3.11.4 that works
But the same issues of PrestaShop Enthusiast


At the end of the process an error of payment appear but the payment processed. 


Someone could send me an updated information for fixing this issues. 


thank you 





I use Prestashop

Edited by House NC (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/27/2017 at 5:14 AM, House NC said:

For Paypal 3.11.4 that works


But the same issues of PrestaShop Enthusiast


At the end of the process an error of payment appear but the payment processed. 


Someone could send me an updated information for fixing this issues. 


thank you 





I use Prestashop

Same with me still.

Anyone ?

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  • 5 weeks later...



Is there any solution?

Error occurred:

Please try to contact the merchant:

  1. <b>PayPal response:</b>
  2. TIMESTAMP -> 2017-06-30T13:17:02Z
  3. L_ERRORCODE0 -> 11812
  4. L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data
  5. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The value of Description parameter has been truncated.
  6. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Warning

This solution for paypal problem do not work for Taiwan currency (NT$).


I use Prestashop


Thank you

Edited by iugtea (see edit history)
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