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Customer Group Discount non cumulative

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Im using Prestashop 1.3.x and also tried it on v1.4.x version

We have a store with 2 customers groups: "default" and "loyalty card"
The loyalty card membership grants a 10% discount in all store products, but non-cumulative with other reductions.

The Problem: Customer groups discounts are always cumulative with other prices-drops, vouchers, reductions, etc. That's a problem on Sales period, cause a loyalty card member can purchase a product on-sale with a reduction of (50% + 10%).
Checking "default" as default group doesnt solve de problem, because they doesnt receive any discount in non-on-sale products.

Can I develop a way to do not apply de group reduction when a product have a price reduction yet?

Prestashop 1.4 has a more complex tool to configure discounts, but theres no feature to add a price reduction by default to whole store products or category products. (except group reductions, that are of course cumulative as i said before)

(Note: My store has more than 15000 products)

I would be a nice improvement to add 2 checkboxes check box with "Cumulative with other vouchers" "Cumulative with price reductions" in the group config panel, just the same as the voucher tab.

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i have the same problem :(

I have 5 different group discounts. For every client I have a particular group. For discounted items I do not want to use group discounts ... who already has a solution?

my shop version is 1.4.3 (upgraded from 1.3.6)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Seems to work on my just modifying the first if condition in classes/product.php


// Group reduction

if ($use_groupReduction AND $reduc == 0)


if ($reductionFromCategory = (float)(GroupReduction::getValueForProduct($id_product, $id_group)))

$price -= $price * $reductionFromCategory;

else // apply group reduction if there is no group reduction for this category

$price *= ((100 - Group::getReductionByIdGroup($id_group)) / 100);


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  • 3 months later...

this works on 1.4.6 thanks


edit: it works but the price on prodcut.tpl is not the good one. example:

i have a product of 20.7€ tax ecl. with -30% reduction, its good on product list, price is 14.05€ HT

but on product.tpl, price is 13.35€ (it's 20.07€ less 5% reduction (of the group) less 30% reduction)


when i add it to the cart it's good, it's at 14.05€



it's just a display problem but i don't know how to resolve it.

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  • 1 month later...

But will the invoice show this correct? I have read about this problem, and several people mention it. But they also mention that the invoice is not showing the correct numbers if the code has been changed?


Will this be sorted out in v1.5?

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  • 2 months later...
  On 6/18/2012 at 5:15 PM, cockpitinferno said:

i solved my problem on product.tpl


you can see how here: http://www.prestasho...__fromsearch__1

(it's in french)


i checked invoices and price is the same everywhere. no problem with invoices




Can you do a description of the changes in the English language?

Unfortunately, French is not understandable for me :)


Best Regards

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